Since 1991 Basement Films has been a volunteer-run micro-cinema supporting experimental and under-represented forms of media-making through public screenings, performances, workshops, and lectures.
Our membership is made up of artists, activists, media makers and “film buffs.” Basement Films provides a forum for voices not heard in mainstream media.
We are a resource for artists, filmmakers, and students interested in exploring new, old, dead and experimental approaches to moving image art.
To this end, Basement Films is interested in championing communities of cinematic experimentalists (regional and international), and we feel it is our responsibility to keep the experimentalists part of the current, statewide conversation about movie making.
More than anything, the membership of Basement Films enjoys exploring new and unique ways to introduce audiences to our historic archive of 8,000 16mm films. Exhibitions sometimes include multi-projection environments, drive-by projections (using a gas powered generator), guerrilla-style drive in movie nights, a Da Da-esque flim strip lecture series, Cinemas Publicus (open screening nights), and everything in between!
"As New Mexico
re-imagines itself as a new Hollywood, Basement Films is reaching “deep into our mission” to broaden popular notions of what a film might be."
As New Mexico thinks about it’s media-future, Basement Films believes that it is important for our organization to insert itself into this state-wide conversation and expand the dialogue beyond “Hollywood models” to include diverse and underrepresented media histories and practices.
Basement Films hopes to inspire individual’s to recognize the value of their media voices, make movies in ways we never imagined possible and to participate in shaping future trends in cultural representation.

Program cover for Experiments In Cinema 2014